Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Fred is blood type O. If you are interested in donating, please call 305-355-LIFE (5433), ask for the Living Donor Team, patient is Fred Southron
If you are someone you know is interested in being a donor, please call University of Miami 305-355-LIFE (5433), ask for the Living Donor Team, and let them know the patient is Fred Southron.

Fred lost his right kidney to cancer as a 20 year veteran of the Philadelphia Fire Department. Fred's left kidney is failing due to the anti-rejection drugs he has taken as required to keep his 1996 (17 year...s) liver transplant from rejecting. His liver transplant was required due to Hepatitis C he was infected with while working as Firefighter/EMT for 20 years.

Fred discovered from donating blood to the Red Cross that his liver was sick with unknown disease. The City of Philadelphia forced Fred to retire with a "non-work" related illness. Now both cancer and Hepatitis C are considered by Pennsylvania work laws to be classified as "work-related" unless proving to be otherwise.
TAGS:  find a kidney for fred, Ning, Live Journal, Tumblr, Weebly, WordPress, Facebook, Kidney Stories, Jim Myers, kidney, dialysis, blood, transfusion, donor, recipient, seeking, awareness, National Kidney Foundation, Indiana University, sharing, kidney disease, End Stage Renal Failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, kidney for, diabetic, save my life, living kidney donor, organ donation, find a kidney for, NCS, share a spare, transplant list, fundraiser, donate life,

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