Sunday, February 21, 2016


Levi was born 11.14.2011 with End Stage Renal Disease. This means that his entire renal system (bladder, kidney, ureter and ...urethra) don't work together like they should. He also has just one kidney, and it has hydronephrosis, the swelling of the kidney due to urine backup. It also operates with stage 4 Vesicoureteric reflux, this is the back flow of urine from the bladder back up to the kidney. Because of all of this Levi takes a bunch of medicines each day and requires a lot of doctors visits, a feeding tube, blood work, and surgeries. Eventually, he will have to have a (couple) of kidney transplants in order to survive into adulthood.

We believe that you are all part of the team that is making our journey to a new, healthier kidney possible. There will be no way that we can ever repay you, and ever thank you enough. We also believe that God has placed Levi here to help other people through their hard times, and to teach us how to best support other parents of kids with chronic illnesses. THANK YOU for supporting Levi and our family!
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