Friday, December 18, 2020

Thelma's Story

 Here is my story. My name is Thelma Warner. I’m a retired Business Education Teacher from NC. I now live in Atlanta. I’ve been here for about 8 years. I enjoy computer surfing and research, I’m a member of Toastmasters’s and I enjoy cooking, swimming, music, concerts, family gatherings, playing pool, going to the beach, and traveling. I’m a heart transplant recipient and a tricuspid valve recipient. I now have a cow valve I had an acute kidney injury during my heart surgery. That resulted in me needing a kidney. Although this has been a long and arduous journey, I am blessed to be alive and kicking! I was given the gift of Life on July 19, 2017 after suffering with hereditary congestive heart failure. My heart had become enlarged and very weak. I had trouble walking literally 4 ft. I would be out of breathe, and so weak. I was blessed with a new heart. Upon receiving my heart, I immediately began to get strength and feel much better. It was almost unbelievable! I’ve often wondered who my generous donor family is, no I don’t know. If I did, I would express my sincere thanks and let them know how grateful I am that they allowed me to have a piece of their lives. I want them to know that I will care for the gift given me for the rest of my life and that they are loved for giving me a very valuable, precious and special selfless gift. Now I find myself in another predicament, that of needing a kidney. I am presently on dialysis and I go 3 times a week for 4 hours. The up side is dialysis is saving my life. The down side is it is wearing on my new heart, not to mention other things I experience such as cramping all over, low blood pressure, dizziness and throwing up on occasion. Generally, after a treatment I feel very weak and all I want to do is get home and crawl in my bed to rest. Basically I’ve been a very active person and this takes away from my life as far as the things that I would like to accomplish. I have made the conscious decision to seek a live kidney donor in hopes of having a better quality of life. I’m reaching out once again, asking for someone to yet again, give me the gift of life by donating me a kidney. Please share and if able, consider being my donor,. God Bless. Thelma is listed at Piedmont Hospital Atlanta Ga, call Barbara O’Neal-Live Donor (404) 605-4128 or 888-605-5888 there. She is also listed at MUSC in Charleston, SC, 404-620-6358. Please share and in this season of giving, consider testing for my friend!

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