Sunday, November 10, 2013


Becky Dossett is a 59 year old wife, mother of of 2 and grandmother of 1.  She needs a kidney from someone with blood type A or O.  Call IU Health (Indiana) at 1-800-382-4602 to see if you are a match today!
Becky Dossett is a 59 year old wife, mother of two daughters and grandmother of a six year old grandson.  Becky’s journey with kidney failure all started in March 2005 when she went in to have her gallbladder x-rayed.  The technician asked her how long she had had issues with her kidneys.  That was the first she ever heard of having kidney issues.  
Becky was then diagnosed with Polycystic Kidne...y Disease (PKD).  “PKD is a disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within your kidneys. Cysts are noncancerous round sacs containing water-like fluid. Polycystic kidney disease causes your kidneys to gradually lose their ability to eliminate wastes from your blood and maintain your body's balance of fluids and chemicals. As the cysts enlarge, they produce pressure and promote scarring in the normal, unaffected areas of your kidneys. These effects result in high blood pressure and interfere with the ability of your kidneys to keep wastes from building to toxic levels, a condition called uremia. As the disease worsens, end-stage kidney (renal) failure may result. When end-stage renal failure occurs, you'll need ongoing kidney dialysis or a transplant to prolong your life.”   (Information via Mayo Clinic)
PKD is an inherited disease.  Becky is not sure whether she got it from her mother or father’s side.  Since it is an inherited disease, no one in her family can donate.  She had a potential donor lined up.  Unfortunately, although her donor was a match, during the pre-op testing in August 2013 they found medical issues that made her ineligible to donate.  That is why this page was created.  The hope is that this page will reach Becky’s donor.
Becky is not yet on dialysis, but that time is getting nearer.  Day by day she grows more tired.  Her doctors have started to prepare her for the idea of dialysis.  She attended her educational classes on dialysis in October 2013 to better prepare her for the long road ahead of her.  She is hoping to find her donor before dialysis has to begin.
If you are blood type A or O, you could be a match! To find out, call IU Health (Indiana) at 1-800-382-4602. Tell them you wish to be tested for Becky Dossett.  All pre-op testing and the surgery will be paid for by Becky’s insurance.
If you cannot share your spare with Becky, perhaps you can find the time to at least share her page so that it might reach her future hero.
TAGS: help becky find a kidney, Ning, Live Journal, Tumblr, Weebly, WordPress, Facebook, Kidney Stories, Jim Myers, kidney, dialysis, blood, transfusion, donor, recipient, seeking, awareness, National Kidney Foundation, Indiana University, sharing, kidney disease, End Stage Renal Failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, kidney for, diabetic, save my life, living kidney donor, organ donation, find a kidney for, NCS, share a spare, transplant list, fundraiser, donate life,

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