Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Meet Judy Crawford, 55, who is in her twenty-seventh year as a third grade teacher. Nineteen years ago Judy was diagnosed with kidney cancer. The cancerous tumor was removed and her remaining kidney was weak, functioning at only 30%. As the years have passed, the function of her one remaining kidney has deteriorated and along with it her energy and general health. Through all of this, Judy has... relied on her strong faith in God. She has been a witness and inspiration to others simply by the way she has reacted to her illness and led her life. Judy's positive attitude, her quick smile and laughter, her dedication to her students, and her interest and caring for others around her has left a lasting impression on her friends and family.

Two years ago Judy was placed on a waiting list for a kidney transplant. Eleven friends and family members stepped forward as willing donors, but no perfect match found. Through each disappointment, Judy remained upbeat and held tight to her faith. Two months ago, Judy's kidney had deteriorated to the point that she had to begin nightly home dialysis. This nightly schedule was chosen so she could continue teaching during the day. However, the dialysis process has not been working for Judy. Due to scar tissue in her body causing dialysis tubing difficulties, Judy has been in pain, her body swollen and she has had two surgeries in an effort to get the dialysis to work effectively. Throughout this time, Judy has been the sole financial support for her family and continues to teach. Please consider being a kidney donor for Judy. Please help save Judy's life. Your kidney could be the perfect match!

Contact information:
If you wish to inquire about being a match, call Indiana University at 1-800-382-4602 and ask for the kidney transplant coordinator for Judy Crawford.

Thank you for your interest in providing an unbelievable gift for someone in need.
TAGS:  find a kidney for judy, Ning, Live Journal, Tumblr, Weebly, WordPress, Facebook, Kidney Stories, Jim Myers, kidney, dialysis, blood, transfusion, donor, recipient, seeking, awareness, National Kidney Foundation, Indiana University, sharing, kidney disease, End Stage Renal Failure, polycystic kidney disease, chronic kidney disease, kidney for, diabetic, save my life, living kidney donor, organ donation, find a kidney for, NCS, share a spare, transplant list, fundraiser, donate life,

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